Crossmedia Grundlagen SS 2012

Lehrveranstaltung FH Trier Intermedia Design
Tom Hirt

Digital Publishing to iPad & Android Tablets

Easy to use

1. Design your content – digital magazines, brochures, catalogs, annual reports, whatever you like
Design your content in InDesign using the FREE Mag+ plug-in and templates, which let you add interactivity and rich media with the push of a button. Review what you’re making and show it off on the iPad instantly with our FREE Mag+ reviewer app.

2. Export pages
Export pages (verticals) from InDesign to our FREE Mag+ Production tool to assemble your full issue. Instantly review the whole issue on any iPad anywhere in the world.

Digital Publishing to iPad & Android Tablets with Mag+.

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Aufgabe des Kurses Grundlagen Crossmedia & Integrierte Kommunikation ist es, sich mit dem Thema crossmedialer Markenführung auseinanderzusetzen und ein eigenes kleines Entwurfsprojekt zu durchlaufen. mehr erfahren

